Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I'm Giving Away Blog Candy! Come and Get It!!!

The time has come to close this blog candy. :) Thanks so much for everyone's enthusiasm! I will post a winner in the next couple of days, so please check back. Have a great evening!!! In honor if it being the first week of summer vacation for all 3 of my sons (finally!), I'm giving away some goodies I’ve been collecting for the past couple of weeks. It’s a fun Summer Assortment that’s sure to inspire you!

One lucky winner will receive:
1 pkg. of 12 x 12 AC Patterned Paper ~ a la Carte
2 pkgs. Of summery ribbon (6 yards total)
1 set of clear flower stamps by Stampology
2 chipboard pkgs. (buttons & numbers)
1 vacation themed clear stamp set of 4
2 pkgs. of rub~on sentiments
1 pkg. of pink mini brads
1 pkg of summertime epoxy stickers
1 pkg. of Flora Doodle flowers
1 wood craft set with flowers and a butterfly

Here are the rules to enter for the drawing:
1. Become a public follower of my blog if you haven’t already.
2. Help me spread the word by posting my blog candy on your blog.
3. Leave a comment under this post with a direct link to your blog so I can come visit you too!
4. For a second chance in the hat to win my blog candy, just play along with the Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge during the month of June, leave a link to your entry on the Midnight Madness site AND another comment under this post.
This candy will be available to enter until June 30th. I will close it at 9pm EST and announce a winner by July 4th. Thanks so much for visiting and Good Luck!


Carolyn said...

Count me in, Michelle. Thanks for the great offer on the blog candy! I am already a faithful follower and will post you on my sidebar right now!!

Great blog candy giveaway throughout June

Chris Olsen, Glowbug said...

Hi Michelle!! Time for summer!!!! How fun!! I posted your candy on my blog. I am already a follower. Hope you can increase your blog following!! You are so talented and have so much to offer!!

Sue McMahon said...

Hi Michelle! Enjoy the summer with your boys! You know I already follow and I will post a link as soon as I leave here! Thanks for the chance to win some candy! :)

Anonymous said...

Sign Bandito and I up!

Jane, at Thepaperaffair said...

Hi Michelle, I am a follower already, I hate to miss your great works. I posted your blog candy on my blog, I'm getting such a sweet tooth looking at all of this. Thanks.

Priscilla said...

hummmmmmmmm? I think I am a follower LOL..good luck with your blog candy :)
It looks super Yummy :)

designsfromwithinbycharlotte said...

Great blog candy Michelle...gonna put it on my blog.

Ksenia said...

Fantastic candy! I've made a post in my blog http://miawoo.blogspot.com/2009/06/3006_08.html
And i follow!

The Paper Artist's Boutique said...

Michelle I am too a follower already. I will have this linked to my blog. Thanks for sharing your talent!! Sherry

Lorelie Kim said...

I've got your candy linked on my sidebar, Michelle! :)

Sunshine said...

Thanks for the great comment on my card Michelle! and thanks for asking me to come over and enter for a chance to win blog candy. I will definitely post your blog candy on my blog!!


Happy Summer Vacation!!

Sunshine :)

Soooooooooooo....I come back here and post the link to my blog when I upload for the Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge too?? Just clarifying...

Jacilynn said...

Happy Summer! And super candy. I'm so happy to find your super blog. I'm now a follower and i"ve linked ya.

Unknown said...

hiya thanks me luverly for the lovely comments on my blog...so yep im here to have a go at winning your lush treats..will link you in my side bar...and am going to become a follower also ...great work need to pop back later for a good old nose.but work sadly beckons lol!!! huggies sassy..........xx.

Rachel said...

hello!! lovely candy!:)
greetings from Poland!!

Nunt said...

Hello Michelle!

What a wonderful candy - I can understand why you can donate such a lot, having 3 boys at home to entertain all day long ;D

I added you to my candybar and joined your happy followers - thank you for this chance to win!


Nunt said...

I've been playing with Midnight Madness since the beginning, here's my take on #5. I love those sketches, they make it so easy to do cards!

Annelies said...

Great candy! I'm a follower and here's my link . Thanks for a chance to win! Enjoy the vacation! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

lalalla said...

I'd love to win such great candy! I became follower and posted aobut your candy here http://doris86place.blogspot.com/2009/06/yummy-candy.html

Kimby Kreations said...

Hi Michelle,
I'm starting to get the knack of blogging and I've become a follower. I can't start working on the MMSC.
Thanks for offering wonderful blog candy. I've posted it on my site...


Thanks, Kim

Jeni C Slack (^0^) said...

Hi Michelle, I got your candy on my page! Thank you for hosting this, Girlie , xx ~Jeni

Chrissy said...

Thanks for offering such awesome blog candy! Hope you enjoy your summer! Linking you to my candy sidebar right now!

marilynprestonn said...

Your card is beautiful Michelle. I love your style, it's precious. Thank you for having me on your blog.

aleeeksia said...

I love it ;)

I am here:

Moni said...

Fab candy, I linked you on my blog and became your follower!
Hugs, moni

maiahs_momma said...

Wow, thank you so much for this chance to win some goodies :)! Became a follower, and posted about your blog candy over on my blog:



Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle, nice to meet you. Gorgeous blog & fab candy you have on offer. Thank you for the chance to win. I am now a follower & have linked you to my blog here

I will now go see about getting a second chance he he!!

Hugs Helen x

Agus said...

Hi! lovely blog candy!! thanks for the chance to win :) Im going to link your blog right now!

Here is my blog.

Ps : Im already a follower

Shauna K said...

awww what a sweet giveaway! it's your anniversary though, you should be the one getting gifts! :) i follow you on Google Reader and hope to enter one of the Midnight Maddness challenges too! I'm adding you to my candy post in my sidebar at Army08Love :) Thanks for the chance to enter!!

Diane S said...

Thank you for giving us the chance to win that great candy. no blog yet will send a few friends. already a follower.

Char in So Cal said...


Happy SUMMER to you and yours!! Doesn't it FEEL GOOD?!

I don't have a blog of my own but I do have e-mail and I have sent a link to your site to all my crafty gal pals!

Thanks for the op to win some YUMMY blog candy!

Char in So Cal
{scrampaddict} {at} {cox} {dot} {net}

Char in So Cal said...

LUCKY ME!! I am now a follower of your blog!!

Rubber Hugs,

Char in So Cal
{scrampaddict} {at} {cox} {dot} {net}

Ashley Lydia Durand said...

ooooooo very nice candy! count me in!!! I love your page, and Im glad I saw a link to your page through your candy you create such awesome cards!!!! Heres my link :


Kathlene said...

Your blog is terrific, Michelle! Come visit my blog sometime at http://www.kathycanandsometimesdoes.blogspot.com/

Thanks for sharing all the great ideas!

Anonymous said...

what a lovely candy

thanks for this great chance

I have linkes you up in my sidebar!

greetings from Germany

Jackie said...

I just found your blog but have become a new follower and have your candy all linked up from my blog. Thanks for the chance at this wonderful candy!

Shannah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shannah said...

Hi Michelle!
Thanks for the chance to win such yummy candy!
I'm a Follower, and I've linked you on my sidebar - my blog is http://photoholic-sb.blogspot.com/
Good luck everyone!

Nancy said...

Hi Michelle,

I'm a follower and an going to hop right over to mine with your link.
Thanks for the chance at some candy.

By the way, thanks so much for the nice comment on my card that I didn't like for my MMSC5 sketch challenge.

Gry-E. said...

A great candy you are offering. I have become a follower and have linked you to my sidebar.
I hope you will have a lovely summerholiday.

Gail said...

Great candy!! I will post on my blog and going to start following you..love what I have already seen!!


Lovely Linda said...

Hi Michelle from Canberra Australia - I have linked your candy to my blog:
and would love you to come and visit sometime!! Thanks for the opportunity to play! God bless you!

Lovely Linda said...

Hi Michelle - just wanted to let you know that I am a follower of your AND have played in the MMSC each week - here is the link for last weeks:


Thanks again for the opportunity to play!!

btsoi. said...

Awesome blog candy! I'll be posting it on my sidebar for sure. Google's not letting me follow you right now :( but I'll be back to try again later!

Julie Temple said...

Beautiful Blog and Candy! I have linked you at www.julietemple.blogspot.com . Thanks for the chance!


Chelsea said...

AWESOME Michelle! I've linked you on my blog and I also have candy to giveaway

Gloria Dojlido said...

Thanks for such summery blog candy. I look forward to the chance. I have become a follower and have posted a link on my blog www.gloriasgreetings.blogspot.com
I look forward to seeing more of your creations.

Natalie Z said...

Hi Michelle!!!! Thanks for the chance to win your fabulous candy, I am now a follower and have linked your candy on my sidebar under the section “Blog Candy” http://fifishobby.blogspot.com

Hugs Fifi.

Lisa said...

Awsome blog candy Michelle! Thanks for the chance to win it.
Here is my link to you, http://myransbo.blogspot.com/2009/06/du.html

lalalla said...

greetings from Poland! I'm follower and posted about your candy on my blog here http://doris86place.blogspot.com/2009/06/adorable-candy_16.html

have wonderful day!


Unknown said...

Hi Michelle, Hope you have a great summer with your boys, mine doesn't finish for another 6 weeks!! Great candy, thanks for the chance to win, no blog yet but have passed the word around and become a follower.


Unknown said...

Super candy! Hi Net!!! what a lot of candy! I’ve linked your candy on my sidebar, I'm a follower now. Thanks for the chance to win!

Tanya said...

Hi Michelle!
Fantastic candy and beautiful blog!
Thank you for the chance to win/ I linked your candy on my sidebar. and I'm a follower. Welcome to my blog http://karysoltany.blogspot.com/

Magda said...

Michelle, great candy!!! Thanks for the chance to win.
I linked your candy to my blog and I`m following.

Have a nice day!

AdriaNa said...

Hi Michelle
I linked your candy on my sidebar

10x 4 the chance to win!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle, I'm finally finding a few extra minutes to post some yummy blog candy and yours is now on my sidebar! Hugs....Abby:)

Andreja - kokos said...

Wow, awesome candy!!!
I have added your link on my blog in the sidebar and I'm your follower now!
Here is my blog.
Thanks for the chance to win!!!
Hugs, Andreja

Helena (Gvendalen) said...

Hello Michelle! Thanks for the great offer on the blog candy! I am a follower and I've link on my sidebar.

The Pink Spot said...

great candy
have fun with your kids

Janis Lewis said...

Yeah! Summer vacation!! Great blog candy!! I have my fingers crossed for this one!! Here's a link to my blog:
I posted your blog candy link in my sidebar! Enjoy your summer!!

susana said...

Hi Michelle I am too a follower already. I will have this linked to my blog. Thanks for sharing your work!!

Best regards from México

Heather said...

LOVE the candy! You have4 some great work look foward to coming back & seeing what is added

I added your candy under blog cand on the side bar

Linanna DESIGNS said...

Michelle what gorgeous blog candy you have, i would love the chance to win. I have become a follower, which is great for me as your blog as fabulous. Not been here before. I have added your blog candy to my sidebar. My blog is

Have a lovely day hugs Linda x

Claude said...

I'm a followr and I linked on my blog: http://imzadi481.blogspot.com/2009/06/wanna-win-some-blog-candy.html

Muse in Bloom - Sue said...

I just became a follower and have linked your candy on my blog (right hand side)


Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Michelle, what gorgeous blog candy you have up for grabs.

Enjoy the summer vacation with your boys. We’ve got another month to go here in the UK before our children break up for the summer.

There is a link to your blog candy in my sidebar

Best wishes

Kym xxx

Unknown said...

Awesome candy Michelle!
I have posted it in the left side bar of my blog.
Thanks for the chance!
True :)

Nancy said...

Thanks for the wonderful blog candy!! So exciting!! I became a follower, and I posted a link to your candy on my blog. And, I even entered the Midnight Madness sketch challenge!

My blog

My MMSC entry

PARTTE said...

Super blog :)
Fantastic candy! :)
I want to join ^^

PARTTE from Poland

Kristyn said...

I commented under your newest Next Level challenge entry but I just have to mention again that I'm still simply in awe of the wood paper! All of your creations are stunning and I look forward to your future ones :-) Here's my shoutout to your great celebration blog candy.

Chook said...

Hi, thanks for the chance to win. I'm now a follower and I've linked your candy to my blog. Thanks

flatis stempelwelt said...

Wow, what a lovely candy
I've posted a link in my sidebar...
Thanks for the Chance

Hugs, Sonja xx

Diamond Doll said...

Hi Michelle what a fab blog you have such gorgeous cards. I have become a follower and linked your yummy candy on my sidebar.Enjoy your sons summer vacation time.Off now to check out the Midnight madness challenge!
Trish (-:

Mina said...

wow wow wow fabulous candy...thanks for the chance to win, I have posted a link on my blog xxx

Heike's Creativeplace said...

Wow, Michelle the candy is gorgeous, thanks for the chance to win. I've linked you on my sidebar and i'm a follower....


Anonymous said...

WOW! What lovely blog candy!

Your blog is stunning - I have become a follower & I've also linked back to your candy on my blog sidebar.

Many thanks for a wonderful opportunity!

Jenny x

Meg said...

Thanks for offering the blog candy! You're linked at my blog: cherryonion.blogspot.com.

Ingrid said...

Hi Michelle,
Great candy!
Thanks for the chance to win.
Enjoy the vacation!

Rufus said...

Wow, nice candy! Hope that you have a really great summer with your boys. You live in a great area of the country. Loved ABQ when I was there. Don't have a blog, but I am a new follower of yours

Diane said...

Hi Michelle,

What fantastic blog candy!! Thanks so much for the chance at winning. I have become a follower and have linked your blog candy to my sidebar. Have a wonderful day

Alice said...

WoW! Thanks for a chance to win, Michelle! This is a superbeautiful candy! Now I am a follower and I've just put a link to my candybar.
My blog is: http://justme-alice.blogspot.com/

Doris said...

What wonderful blog candy. Hope you enjoy the time with the kids. I just signed up to be a follower.

Kreativmonster said...

Hi Michelle, this is my first visit to your lovely blog and certainly not the last! I have become a follower and linked your candy and blog to my blog. I am looking really forward to see more of your pieces of art...
Ooops, amlomst forgotten to thank you for the marvellous candy!

Sweet Design Inc said...

ooh I love it! I am following you and going to add a link on my blog right after I type this comment! Lovely candy! My blog is www.sweetdesigninc.blogspot.com

Manuela said...

wow, what a fab candy :) i've linked your great candy on my sidebar, you can find my blog here thanks for this chance, hugs, manuela

Katherine said...

What a fun summery giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win. I'm a follower, and I've linked you on the sidebar of my blog, HERE

.:♥Marit Pettinga-Meijer♥:. said...

Thanks for the chance to win this yummy candy!
I've become a follower, linked you up on my sidebar HERE!!!, and I am now commenting... I guess I'm set to win!!! *LOL*

Thanks again for the chance!
Hugs, Marit.

Karine Morais Balabuch said...

Happy Summer! Great Candy! Thanks for the chance to win, I've linked your candy on my blog sidebar, and I'm follower too.
Hugs from Brasil.


Sharon said...

congrats on summer vacation the heat is on here for sure. I posted on my blog and following yours

Nikki said...

Hi Such Yummy Summer Candy you have it would be a treat to win
I now follow your blog and have posted your Giveaway Here in my sidebar
Thanks so much for the Chance
Huggs ♥ Nikki C ♥

April said...

Awesome candy! Thanks for a chance to win it... :)

I'm off to post about you right now...
- April

Emma said...

Fab candy, ive added u to my blog :) thanks, Em xx

Jessi said...

Thanks for the chance to win your wonderful candy!

jessimy blog

laure et pascal said...

i follow your blog.
Here's my link http://scrapdelaure.over-blog.com/article-33144504.html

Lainy's Little Blog said...

Fantastic candy that you are offering Michelle. I hope you have a great holiday with your sons and enjoy the time you have with them. I'm now on holiday myself for 7 weeks being a teacher and I too are looking forward to spending quality time with my 3 year old. I have discovered your blog for the first time and loving your work. I have become a follower so that I can keep coming back and have posted a link to your candy on my blog. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Lainy xxx

Sigi said...

wonderful blog... thanks for offering the chance to win those nice things....

have a nice weekend,

my blog:

Kym Weber said...

Fabulous blog! What a wonderful offering to win those awesome things. Thanks for the chance.


craftypagan said...

Hi Michelle! Wow what fab candy! Would so love to win! I'm a follower of your blog and have linked you on my sidebar. Love Rowena


craftypagan said...

Hi Michelle. This is my second entry to your candy as I have a link to my mmsc card. you can see it here:
Thanks for the extra chance! Love Rowena

Beth aka BR-T said...

Michelle, I am following your blog and posted your candy on my right side bar! Beth aka BR-T

Janice said...

Michelle- this is my 1st visit to your blog and it is beautiful!! I am now a follower and will definitely be checking out the midnight madness. Thanks for the chance at some great candy! I have posted a link on my sidebar.

Ceci said...

Hi Michelle..good to find your gorgeous blog, I am now a follower and have posted your candy on my kandy blog. I will try to get the sketch done too. :o)


Nette said...

Thank you for the Chance to win your great Blog Candy.
I’d linked your Candy on my Blog.

Greatings from Germany

Happy Crafter said...

Wow fab candy Michelle, thanks for the chance to enter, i am now a follower of your lovely blog.
I have put a link on my blog Here.
Hugzz Val xxx

Cheryl said...

I have also participated in the Midnight Madness challenges this month! Thanks for the great blog candy Michelle!

Cheryl ~ CherCroppin

Cheryl said...

OOps, my first comment didn't take....I have posted about your blog candy at my blog:


Meital said...

wow!!! count me in!
here is my blog:

mueppi said...

Wow... Michelle
what a great candy!
I`ve linked on my sidebar!
Thanks for the change to win
Hugs Gisela

Denta said...

what a great candy!thanks for the chance to win. I am your fallower now.this is my 1st visit to your blog and it is great!!

Fern said...

Fab candy Michele,
Thanks for the chance to enter, i'll put a linkj in my Candy Bar for you :O)

Fern xx

Chen R. said...

Great candy!!
Thank you for the chance to win this!!

Ode said...

Loved your blog congrats, I'm from Brazil and my blog is: http:/happyscrapp.blogspot.com.br

Sandra said...

You have a really lovely blog and what a stuning candy you're offering to us!!
Have become a follower and post a link to my blog.

Kriss said...

hello:) i am follower now with my blogger account (kristiina www.filateelia.blogspot.com) but for scrapbooking i have different separated blog on wordpress, here is link to your candy http://august4.wordpress.com/2009/06/29/moned-scrapi-loosimised-ule-maailma/#respond

best wishes
Kristiina (august4)

TuKara said...

I hope that I ll have some luck . Thanks a lot!

kellyjean said...

Thanks for your sweetness! Linked and following.

Suzy said...

Can i try? I am your follower, i put the link with picture on my side bar here and i write now :)

bissecat said...

Hello Fantastig candy .I you follewer and i post link to my blog.Greetings from Finland.

Andrea said...

Thank you for this blog candy!! your blog is beautifull!! Kisses from Argentina!!

Sue McRae said...

I am a follower of your great blog! Wonderful goodies you're giving away!

Sandra said...

That is a very good reason for some candy!
I've put a link on my sidebar

HazelQ said...

Thanks Michelle! Your giving away beautiful things! I'm now your follower and here's my link of your site.

retiredheather said...

Great candy and lovely blog. I am a follower and have linked your candy on my sidebar.

Lilacanglia said...

Have put a link on my side bar,
thank you for a wonderful trip around your great blog,
ps I already entered for the m/night madness challenge try to every week.

Lynne in NI said...

Oooooh gorgeous summery candy - thanks for the chance of winning!
I've linked you on the sidebar of My Blog and I'm a follower.
Lynne :D

Katarina said...

Fab candy - I wrote about it and became a follower. Thanks for the chance.


Loz said...

With the time difference I hope I make it in!!! If not - great candy anyway, thanks for the opportunity.

Edys Gonçalves said...

I linked your blog on my sidebar! http://www.scrapfolia.com/

And i'm a follower"
